A purple mummy charm w/yellow hair. Has clown symbol, which is a little rubbed, also has what looks like faded ink spots on her in several places
A pink mummy charm w/a heart symbol. Her left side has one faded ink spot.
A white mummy charm w/yellow hair. Her symbol is a key. Good condition.
A white mummy charm w/purple hair. Her symbol is a party hat. She needs cleaning, but otherwise fair condition.
A blue mummy charm w/orange hair. Her symbol is a sun. She has a few small faded rust colored dots on her
(next row)
These are the mini ponies, I forgot what their official name was. All these ponies have a hoof design in their base. This was to allow them to fit on special playsets.
Here is a green pegasus. She is in good condition, but I can't tell what her symbol is anymore, possible some kind of streamer
(next row)
(note, all the mini ponies on this row are in excellent condition)
A clear, sparkly green pegasus with a party hat symbol
A clear, sparkly blue earth pony with a party noisemaker symbol
A clear, sparkly pink earth pony with a present symbol
A clear, sparkly lavender earth pony with a cupcake symbol
(next row)
A clear, purple earth pony with a jewel symbol. She looks a little scuffed
A clear, orange earth pony with a balloon symbol. Her symbol is very faint
A clear, blue earth pony with a tall soda symbol.
A clear, orange earth pony. Her symbol has been rubbed and I cannot tell what it is anymore
A clear, green pegasus with a balloon group symbol.